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Ullica Segerstrale

Segerstrale, Ullica

Segerstrale, Ullica

Chair, Social Sciences Department, Illinois Institute of Technology; Fellow, World Academy of Art and Science

Job Title

Chair, Social Sciences Department, Illinois Institute of Technology; Fellow, World Academy of Art and Science

Chair, Social Sciences Department, Illinois Institute of Technology; Fellow, World Academy of Art and Science


Educational Security, Existential Security, and Sociology   ( Human Security ), ( Peace and Security )
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract This article addresses existential security, an aspect of security that has to do with the sustaining of the individual as a physical and mental being as well as the larger context of this individual. The ‘larger context’ can mean many things, including physical reality at different scales, socioeconomic realities, cultural conventions, the political state of the world, the development of technological power, etc., which are in turn perceived by a given individual...