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Volume 1, Issue 2 - April 2011

The Great Divorce: Economics & Philosophy
Biopolicy- Building a green society
The Perfect Storm: Economics, Finance and Socio-Ecology
Revolution in Human Affairs: The Root of Societal Violence
Human Rights, Liberty & Socio-Economic Justice: Economic Theory and the Ascent of Private Property Values
Universal Nuclear Disarmament
Call for United Action
Towards a Global Democratic Revolution: A Global Parliament and the Transformation of the World Order
Biopolicy- Building a green society
Global Prospects for Full Employment
Science and Economics: The Case of Uncertainty & Disequilibrium
Capital Needs Labour
Grossly Distorted Picture: GDP Still Misleading
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The Perfect Storm: Economics, Finance and Socio-Ecology

Ian Johnson

Our world is headed into a Perfect Storm of an interconnected financial, ecological and social crisis. Almost all forward-looking assessments demonstrate that business as usual and incremental improvements will not be sufficient to take us to a future world blessed by equitable prosperity, safety, security and contentment... Read More

Towards a Global Democratic Revolution

Andreas Bummel

Those who are engaged in building democracy in their countries and who are animated with a fresh spirit like in Egypt will have to ask themselves: What purpose does building a democratic nation have if it is embedded into an undemocratic and non-transparent international system? In a globalized world the... Read More

Science and Economics: The Case of Uncertainty & Disequilibrium

Orio Giarini

Economic thinking is still very largely related to traditional Cartesian (and Newtonian) concepts of science. The notion of equilibrium is not really a concept or an explanation, but rather a tautology, which has been given the value or status of an axiom. Understanding this notion of equilibrium, where supply is equal to… Read More

Revolution in Human Affairs: The Root of Societal Violence

Jasjit Singh

The greatest global challenge that faces the international community today is that of the current trans-national revolution in human affairs, which in turn is triggered by the combination of three revolutions: a revolution of rising expectations, the information and communications revolution, and a broader...
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Capital Needs Labour

Patrick Liedtke

The role of labour is crucial for the social cohesion and stability it provides. Threats to financial stability do not exclusively emanate out of capital markets. As the unrest in several Arab countries demonstrate yet again, without social stability there can be no financial stability... Read More

Global Prospects for Full Employment

Garry Jacobs & Ivo Šlaus

A human-centered theory of economy and employment needs to be founded on the realization that human beings – not impersonal principles, market mechanisms, money or technology – are the driving force and central determinants of economic development... Read More

Human Rights, Liberty & Socio-Economic Justice

Winston P. Nagan

According to Roosevelt, “necessitous men are not free.” The narrow conception of individual freedom founded on prisvate property rights advocated by neoliberalism neglects a much wider, more humane conception of social democracy, freedom from want and human security affirmed by the New Deal, the Atlantic Charter and the UN Charter... Read More

Biopolicy- Building a Green Society

Agni Vlavianos Arvanitis

Decisions on our common future should no longer rest solely on world leaders, who can evade or even obstruct meaningful change. A simultaneous electronic ballot on saving bios is a brilliant opportunity to demonstrate that, as citizens of the world, we can all agree on safeguarding the Earth for the generations to come. By giving priority to individual... Read More

Universal Nuclear Disarmament

Manpreet Sethi

From the time that the weapon was first used in 1945, and once the horrendous destruction that it could cause was understood, countries have struggled with the challenge of how to put the genie back into the bottle. To little avail. Nuclear abolition... Read More

Grossly Distorted Picture: GDP Still Misleading

Hazel Henderson

A new global poll across 12 countries reveals that more than two-thirds of people polled think that economic statistics like GDP are an inadequate way of measuring national progress...
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