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Volume 4, Issue 4 - June 2021

Garry Jacobs, Donato Kiniger-Passigli, Winston P. Nagan, Ivo Šlaus, Alberto Zucconi
Solutions to complex, wicked social problems require interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and intersectoral knowledge... Read more
Augusto Forti
In this short article, the author traces the sociological origins of WAAS and traces briefly the history of the scientists‘ nuclear abolition movement, which was a main reason for the founding of the Academy. Read more
Donato Kiniger-Passigli
Albert Einstein said that art and science are branches of the same tree. Indeed, there is no dichotomy between art and science: they are an integral part of the same nucleon. Art is the ability to create, which implies inspiration and learning. Read more
Marco Vitiello
Facing the XXI century and its challenges means finding a concrete strategy, one that can make it possible for WAAS and its Fellows to reach their full potential. Read more
Yehuda Kahane, Tal Ronen
The last 60-70 years have seen the end of the industrial revolution and the rise of the post-industrial era. The way we, as humans, are treating our environment (and each other) is threatening our very existence on our planet. This becomes apparent when we examine the reality of climate change, pollution, destruction of biodiversity, inequality and more. We must replace the current focus ... Read more
Stefan Brunnhuber, Mariana Bozesan, Jeffrey Golden, Garry Jacobs, Phoebe Koundouri
Cost analyses and risk assessments in the Anthropocene era need to differ from those of the past. Future developments now are determined by opportunity costs and planetary risks. Read more
Frank Dixon
Society requires a robust banking system. The current private money system reflects aristocratic, wealth-concentrating capitalism. The priority of society is society, not the economic or financial system. Banks and other businesses should be focused on helping individuals and society to prosper, not the other way around. Read more
Thomas Reuter
The ideology that likes to call on each of us personally and on each nation to be responsible for our own resilience and disaster preparedness is obviously flawed, when power, wealth and income are distributed so very unequally. But this ideology has long kept us... Read more
Michael Marien
The UNOG-WAAS report on Global Leadership for the 21st Century mentions the importance of breaking down “silos” among academic disciplines, stakeholders, and UN agencies. This “modest report on global reports” is a small step in doing so, but much more needs to be done. Read more
Sandra Waddock, Steve Waddell
Transformational Catalysts are an institutional innovation arising out of the inadequacy of traditional organizing forms, such as single organizations, collaborations, and even multi-stakeholder networks to bring real system transformation into being. Read more
Julene Siddique, Peter Joseph
Social theories and humanitarian movements, despite their good intentions, have had limited effectiveness. This paper introduces Socio-Systemic science as a conceptual and implementation framework designed for effective high ... Read more
Ashok Natarajan
The world is beset with imperfections which stem from our short-sightedness, greed for consumption, mutual mistrust and unwise economic policies. They can be remedied if the world reorganizes itself to function according to values such as unity, totality, harmony, human security, freedom and equality. Read more
Stefan Brunnhuber
Open Societies thrive on the idea of a liberal order based on a human-centered approach. They are not driven... Read more
Garry Jacobs
A social theory of the firm is one that examines the role and functioning of business entities as a specialized category of social institution created and sanctioned to serve a social purpose, to promote the welfare and wellbeing of society. Read more

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Volume 4 Issue 4

Inside this Issue


Reflections on WAAS@60
- Garry Jacobs et al

- Augusto Forti

Reflections on Arts and Science
- Donato Kiniger-Passigli

Realizing our common vision
- Marco Vitiello


Science as a Social Good
- Garry Jacobs & Donato Kiniger-Passigli

Reclaiming the Global Future
- David Chikvaidze

New Economics for Sustainable Development
- Chantal Line Carpentier & Wendela Rang

Invent the Future
- Federico Mayor

How to Promote People-centered & Person-centered Sustainable Relationships
- Alberto Zucconi

WAAS COVID-19 Pandemic Project
- Thomas Reuter

Unity of National, Regional and Global Approaches
- Nebojša Nešković

Academies and Knowledge Management
- Jüri Engelbrecht

The Great Reset
- Dragan Djuricin

The ‘TAO of Finance’—Initiative of WAAS
- Stefan Brunnhuber

Do we need a global Network of Implementation Models?
- Erich Hoedl

Democracy needs to be strengthened
- Andreas Bummel

Reflections on Education, Employment & Sustainability
- Fadwa El Guindi

Life for Learning, Learning for Life
- Carlos Alzarez-Pereira

We should Combine the Climate and Poverty Problems
- John McClintock

Global Constitutionalism
- Winston Nagan & Shannon Lahey

One of the Most Important Conversations of Our Time
- Mariana Bozesan

System Change Investing
- Frank Dixon

Artificial Intelligence
- Carlos Blanco

Global Leadership Education: Managerial and Economic Implications of SDGs
- Yehuda Kahane

Art and Science Interactions
- Orhan Güvenen

- Gerald Gutenschwager

The Seville Statement on Violence, an Inspirational Scientific Step towards Peace
- J. Martin Ramirez

Backwardness, Growth & Distribution
- Joanilio Rodolpho Teixeira


- Yehuda Kahane & Tal Ronen

Hedging Planetary Risks
- Stefan Brunnhuber et al.

Public versus Private Sector Money Creation
- Frank Dixon

The COVID-19 Pandemic as a Systemic Stress Test
- Thomas Reuter

Report on Global Reports
- Michael Marien

Transformation Catalysts
- Sandra Waddock & Steve Waddell

The Social Architect
- Julene Siddique & Peter Joseph

A Values-based World Order
- Ashok Natarajan

Open Societies versus Autocratic Experiments
- Stefan Brunnhuber

Transdisciplinary Theory of the Firm
- Garry Jacobs

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Volume 4 Issue 4