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Olivia Bina

Bina, Olivia

Bina, Olivia

Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal; Fellow, World Academy of Art and Science

Job Title

Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal; Fellow, World Academy of Art and Science

Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal; Fellow, World Academy of Art and Science


Towards a ‘Life-turn’ in Education: A Thought Experiment   ( Human Security ), ( Education )
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract This article explores the need for transformative change in higher education institutions (HEIs) to help address the complexity and existential risk resulting from multiple interconnected crises. First, it acknowledges that the rate and direction of change in HEIs have been inadequate and that, despite well-rehearsed obstacles and enablers, much more needs to be done to ensure HEIs can deliver human security. It then explores the rising calls for a renegotiation...