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Volume 4
Editor’s Note: The views expressed in this article represent the personal views of its author, rather than the official position of the World Academy of Art and Science.
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How is it ever possible to experience such a cruel war in Europe? Why has Ukraine been attacked by Russia? What are the credible details? Why did international institutions fail to prevent tensions... Read more
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To manage complexity in the modern world requires large-scale visual language diagrams that are called “information murals.” These murals present the science involved in major global and local issues; describe the policies that may respond to these challenges; and integrate the communication using the arts of diagramming and illustration on a wall-size scale. ... Read more
From a whole system perspective, societal transformation is the meta issue. All aspects of human society are sub-elements of it. Around the world, many experts have developed well thought out societal transformation theories and processes. The above essays reflect the rich diversity of ideas in this area.
The authors highlighted a number of key themes related to the arts, humanities, system... Read more
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A new political-economic paradigm is emerging in northern Europe and parts of the Asia-Pacific region that could signal a major turning point in human history. Like the time when humanity awakened to the fact that the world was round, rather than flat, this new paradigm radically challenges our perceptions of reality and the systems we have created to guide our lives.
"... Read more
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It is widely acknowledged that the pressing global crises today are societal rather than purely environmental issues. Challenges such as climate change and global warming, the loss of biodiversity, or the global water crisis call for deep societal transformations. Even the most adamant natural scientists or advocates of technological solutions concede that addressing the... Read more
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Education is positively correlated with every metric of human welfare and wellbeing. Higher levels of employment, productivity, income, equity, health, environmental awareness, cultural integration, civic consciousness, and societal participation go with higher levels of education. Education is one of the greatest organisations humanity has developed. It encapsulates all the... Read more
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In order to find effective ways to manage the complex realities of our world, we need effective systemic tools to diagnose the problems, assess societies’ readiness for change, design the solutions, implement the plans, monitor and evaluate the results.
There are many major and mounting emergencies facing us. For lack of space here, I will make some examples mentioning Goals... Read more
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Viewed in a world-historical perspective, social change, or social transformation, is not an “event” but rather a constant, a perpetual historical process. Human social organisation is perpetually in motion but within certain parameters of continuity. For over five millennia, since the origins of cities, the state, and class society, human social order has continued to evolve... Read more
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1. Introduction: Ecological and Social Dimensions of Sustainability
Contemporary societies and their economies must undergo a transformation to sustainability without further delay if we are to avoid an ecological and socio-political disaster. To achieve a rapid transformation, principles consistent with sustainable ecosystems and social systems need to be identified, and... Read more
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Those who aim for societal transformation, understood as systemic change, must first understand fully what the concept of systemic change indicates and implicates. Historically speaking, even before the scientific world had begun to explore the meaning of complexity, setting forth the unique characteristics of complex systems as opposed to merely complicated systems, the idea... Read more
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The recent years have seen the increasing use of the term transformations in the context of the multiple crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, and global health challenges. Transformations encompass conscious change efforts that involve collaboration, innovation, societal learning, institutional strategy changes, and individual approaches towards thinking and acting.... Read more
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1. Introduction
From conquering polio,* malaria,† or HIV/AIDS,‡ to the adoption of the Montreal Protocol to eliminate ozone depleting substances§, the history of humanity is full of success stories for collective action. According to research by the Oxford-based Our World in Data organization,¶ humanity is on average better off today than many decades ago. Despite the... Read more
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Humanity confronts existential challenges and unprecedented opportunities. Perhaps for the first time in history, there is a broad-based consensus among all the nations and peoples of the world regarding the common essential and desirable goals that need to be achieved—a rapid end to the worldwide pandemic is the most immediate and urgent. The accomplishment of all 17... Read more
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Human society is rapidly transforming. Rising climate change, pollution, inequality, and many other environmental and social problems show that we are grossly violating the laws of nature. For 3.5 billion years, any species that violated these laws changed or disappeared. Throughout human history, economic and political systems that violated natural laws often collapsed... Read more
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A silent revolution occurs per definition outside our views. The present silent revolution is the unprecedented shift of focus away from numbers towards values. At a time of crisis where all numbers fail us, the future of the world is opened, directed, and saved through values. Numbers represent the inhuman side of life, whereas values represent the human quality of... Read more
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The Jena Declaration, introduced below, argues that the SDGs cannot be achieved simply by intensifying the use of established methods and strategies. For a comprehensive transformation to sustainability a fundamental change in strategy is necessary, an approach that builds on the power of millions of citizens and local communities throughout the world and the... Read more
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This paper first examines the geopolitical trends of the post-Cold War era. The main features of this period are an escalating crisis of democratic institutions, extreme economic inequality with a concomitant lack of justice and compassion, and a rising sense of disenchantment with politics. This in turn has increased the appeal of nativist populism, especially among... Read more

Volume 4