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Hazel Henderson
Henderson, Hazel
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Henderson, HazelFounder, Ethical Markets Media; Fellow, World Academy of Art & Science |
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Founder, Ethical Markets Media; Fellow, World Academy of Art & Science
Hazel Henderson is on the board of the International Council of the Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social, Sao Paulo, Brasil, a Patron of the New Economics Foundation (London, UK) and a Fellow of the World Business Academy. The first version of her Country Futures Indicators (CFI©), an alternative to the Gross National Product (GNP), is a co-venture with Calvert Group, Inc. In addition, Hazel Henderson has been Regent's Lecturer at the University of California-Santa Barbara, held the Horace Albright Chair in Conservation at the University of California-Berkeley, and advised the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment and the National Science Foundation from 1974 to 1980. Hazel Henderson holds Honorary Doctor of Science degrees from the University of San Francisco, Soka University (Tokyo) and Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts (USA). She is an active member of the National Press Club (Washington DC), the World Future Society (USA), a Fellow of the World Futures Studies Federation and a member of the Association for Evolutionary Economics. Hazel Henderson is listed in Who's Who, USA, Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in Business and Finance and Who's Who in Science and Technology. She is an Honorary Member of the Club of Rome. In 1996 Hazel Henderson shared the Global Citizen Award with Nobelist A. Perez Esquivel of Argentina. In 2007, Hazel Henderson was elected a Fellow to Britain's Royal Society of Arts, founded in 1754.
Steering Our Powers of Persuasion Toward Our Human Future
( International Organizations )
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Traces human societies’ organizing and leadership modalities, from early nomadic tribes to settled agricultural villages, towns, companies and today’s mega-cities, multi-national alliances and the United Nations (UN). Scaling these human organizational processes involved leadership, persuasion, coercion and violence. Initially these processes were steered by warlords, conquerors, religious authorities, secular autocrats, monarchs and emperors. Leadership styles...
Global Transformative Leadership in the 21st Century: A Science, Engineering, Technology Integrated and Strategic Perspective
( International Organizations ), ( New Paradigm ), ( Knowledge, Science & Values )
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The goal of this paper is to focus on the Global Leadership Challenge in the 21st Century with an integrated and strategic perspective in science, engineering and technology (SET). “In any crisis, leaders have two equally important responsibilities: solve the immediate problem and keep it from happening again. The COVID-19 pandemic is a case in point. We need to save lives now while also improving the way we respond to outbreaks in general. The first point is more...
Catalytic Strategies for Socially Transformative Leadership: Leadership Principles, Strategies and Examples
( International Organizations ), ( New Paradigm )
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Transformative leadership is the process of consciously accelerating the evolution of global society. This paper provides an overview of initial research findings of the project on Global Leadership in the 21st century (GL21) initiated by WAAS in collaboration with the United Nations Office at Geneva, preparatory to a major conference at UNOG on October 27-28, 2020. The objective of GL21 is to identify fundamental principles of social transformation that can...
The Politics of Connectivity
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This article is an exploration of humanity’s evolution from our earliest expansion out of Africa to today’s colonization of planet Earth. It traces how humanity’s success was predominantly based on our ability to bond, communicate, share and cooperate in ever larger organizational forms. Competition was also key, along with individual creativity, as our forebears developed the technological prowess now dominating all species and ecosystems in today’s...
The Future of Democracy Challenged in the Digital Age
( Law & Human Rights ), ( Global Governance & Law )
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Recent evidence is marshalled concerning the impact on democracies of the global explosion of electronic platforms and digital companies, based initially on the US government- supported and now worldwide Internet. These companies, driving Wall Street stock prices, are still largely unregulated and unchecked by conventional anti-trust regulations, especially in the USA. These companies, especially the social media giants, are examined for their growing...
The Politics of the Solar Age: 1975-2015
( Climate Management ), ( Sustainable Development )
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A global transition is manifesting in sustainable technologies, policies and investment tools. We are moving beyond the Industrial Era. Crises in energy, water, food and ecosystem services are being met with many forms of renewable energy; United Nations, NGOs, World Bank and other global programs; and with creative investment opportunities such as green bonds. Paradigm shifts in science, academia, governance, leadership, finance, business, social norms, media...
Real Economies and The Illusions of Abstraction
( Money & Finance ), ( New Economics )
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The yawning gap between the real world and the discipline and profession of economics has never been wider. The ever-increasing abstractions in finance and its models based on "efficient markets" and "rational actors": capital asset pricing, Value-at-Risk, Black-Scholes Options Pricing have been awarded most of the Bank of Sweden prizes since they were founded in the 1960s and foisted onto the Nobel Prize Committee. Most of these abstract models, based on misuse of...
Grossly Distorted Picture: GDP Still Misleading
( Measures & Indicators ), ( New Economics )
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Beyond GDP: Global Poll*
A new global poll across 12 countries reveals that more than two-thirds of people polled think that economic statistics like GDP are an inadequate way of measuring national progress.
The poll finds that 68% believe that health, social and environmental statistics are as important as economic data, and that governments should also use those to measure national progress.
However, the findings also show that support for going ‘beyond GDP’ has slipped...
Transforming Finance Group’s Call Recognizes Finance as a Global Commons
( Money & Finance ), ( New Economics )
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The Committee on Transforming Finance, a multinational network of career market participants: investors, asset managers, business executives, philanthropists, academics and financial authors, holds that the financial system is a global commons and calls for a new set of rules that would allow it to be governed in full conformance with this reality.
We as beneficiaries and active participants in capital markets affirm our responsibility to reform them from within, so that...