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Recognizing Unrecognized Genius
The Coming Revolution in Education
Original Thinking
Creative Consciousness
Online Education: A Revolution in the Making
Tomorrow’s Universities and the Seven Pillars of the Knowledge Revolution
The Double Helix of Learning and Work
Reflections on the Future of Global Higher Education - WAAS Conference Report
New Paradigm: The Necessity and the Opportunity
Double Helix of Learning and Work
Towards a New Paradigm in Education
The Double Helix of Learning and Work: Chapter 3 – I Work, Therefore I Am
The Double Helix of Learning and Work*
Overcoming the Educational Time Warp: Anticipating a Different Future
Contextual Education
The Double Helix of Learning and Work*
Person-Centered Education
Report on Future Education Symposium
A Brief History of Mind and Civilization
Mind, Thinking and Creativity
The Integration of Knowledge
The Need for Person-Centered Education
Unifying Subjectivity and Objectivity*
Education Isn’t Education: The Creativity Response or How to Improve the Learning Curve in Our Society
The Role of Presuppositions in the Social Sciences
Challenges are Opportunities for Korea and the World*

Lloyd Etheredge
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract This article discusses the potential of the Global Compact on Education, signed by Pope Francis and religious leaders from various denominations. It highlights the need for a catalyst to engage the human spirit and implement the Compact‘s goals of quality education, human potential, and belief-independent spiritual growth. It suggests that the Catholic Church, with... Read more
Asim Kurjak, Milan Stanojevic
Get Full Text in PDF Editors’ Note: The Ian Donald Inter-University School of Ultrasound serves as a model case study for global education initiatives. Its success in establishing over 140 international chapters across 70+ countries demonstrates the potential for replication worldwide. By pioneering distance learning programs and adapting to new technologies, the school showcases how to... Read more
Susan Clark
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Adequately responding to our deteriorating environmental and social situation is a matter of increasing urgency. An obstacle to achieving a concerted response is the way that we have normalized “convention,” or as some authors claim “thoughtless convention.” The author takes on this obstacle (i.e., convention, thoughtlessness) as the primary subject of this paper. We... Read more
Fadwa El Guindi
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract This essay deems education and employment as the two separate but interrelated spheres of socioeconomic life which have consistently been the subject of observation and analysis in the fields of education, sociology, anthropology and development. The focus is on how education relates to employment, women’s status, and more recently on the sustainability of... Read more
Frank Dixon
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Interest in system change is rising, driven largely by growing awareness that flawed economic and political systems are the root causes of climate change and other major challenges. This paper summarizes a whole-system framework (Global System Change - GSC) and practical implementation strategy (System Change Investing - SCI) that can guide and accelerate system... Read more
Ismail Serageldin
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract In “Five by Five: Redefining Education for the 21st Century,” the author explores the necessary transformations in education to meet the demands of the evolving world. Reflecting on the outdated 20th-century model, he emphasizes the need for adaptability, creativity, and technological proficiency in the current era. The essay covers five key aspects. The author... Read more
Amine Jaouadi, Abderrahmane Maaradji
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract The Hybrid Model, powered by Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for future education, enriched with Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI), stands today as an advanced educational learning model. It ingeniously combines the strengths of ICT and generative AI to reshape the educational experience. Numerous academic institutions and organizations are... Read more
Fadwa El Guindi
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract While the overall theme selected by the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) for the 2023 6th Future Education Conference was that of Human Security, the particular panel* in which I contributed the presentation upon which this article is based focused more explicitly on Education and less obviously on Security, with a particular emphasis on experimental ways in... Read more
Olivia Bina
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract This article explores the need for transformative change in higher education institutions (HEIs) to help address the complexity and existential risk resulting from multiple interconnected crises. First, it acknowledges that the rate and direction of change in HEIs have been inadequate and that, despite well-rehearsed obstacles and enablers, much more needs to be... Read more
Alberto Zucconi
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Everybody needs to wake up to the reality of the Anthropocene. At present, humanity appears ill equipped to cope effectively with the mounting problems that it has itself created; we urgently need to update and upgrade the way we educate and train people since, at present, their competences to see the problems we have created and find effective ways to cope with... Read more
Irina Bokova
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract The importance of human security has always been a concern for the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS), which has served as a platform for intellectual debate and the exchange of global ideas. WAAS has influenced the understanding of development beyond economic growth, advocating for a focus on people’s opportunities and choices. It played a significant role in... Read more
Janani Ramanathan, Garry Jacobs
Get Full Text in PDF Executive Summary  This brief identifies critical issues and corresponding policies for effectively introducing the UN concept of human security into the curriculum of global mainstream higher education. Human Security is a comprehensive framework developed by the United Nations for achieving the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. It links them all together into an... Read more
Jon-Hans Coetzer, Lucía Morales, Patrick Flynn, Lia Pop, Nadia Barkoczi, Sonia Munteanu, Cristina Campian, Daniel Rajmil
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract In this paper, we provide in-depth critical analysis and reflections on how technology, innovation and digital literacy can help to bring awareness on the need for a new dimension and approach to foster a transformational attitude towards education. Learning drives change, and if we aim to make an impact, there is a need to enable collaboration between different... Read more
Juri Engelbrecht, Robert Kitt
Get Full Text in PDF No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as any manner of thy friends or of thine own were; any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it... Read more
Orhan Guvenen
Get Full Text in PDF Art and science are complementary. At the highest level, artists and scientists converge at the level of the polymath, the renaissance man, and ultimately, to da Vinci. As mentioned in the “Retrospective and Reflections on WAAS@60” paper, which has been remarkably well prepared: “Science has improved our lives in many ways… On the other hand, it has also given us the capacity... Read more
Yehuda Kahane
Get Full Text in PDF "Governments and business leaders are shortterm thinkers. True leaders are ones with longterm foresight!" We are living through the Anthropocene era, an era where humans have become the major force affecting change on our planet. Environment and social risks are threatening the “thrive-ability” of our society. In combating these risks, we require trillions of dollars in... Read more
Carlos Alvarez Pereira
Get Full Text in PDF Out of engaging and fruitful conversations held with WAAS and other partners, the Club of Rome initiated in 2021 ‘The Fifth Element program’ (T5E). Its name is a tribute to Life and the weaving of many threads we will need to face the existential challenges we face today: as much ancient wisdom as modern science, as much everybody’s learning potential as expertise, as much... Read more
Fadwa El Guindi
Get Full Text in PDF A dichotomy emerged about a little over a decade and a half ago polarizing the view of academic disciplines into two polarities: inter (cross, trans) disciplinarity, to aim for, versus autonomous fields of research & teaching, which have come to be labelled “silos”, a term which I consider derogatory and manipulative, deployed to bias valuation and attempts at reform.... Read more
Juri Engelbrecht
Get Full Text in PDF Science academies have several roles to play in contemporary information-rich society. The most important roles are: (i) to promote science and scholarship; (ii) to provide advice and expertise; (iii) to promote scientific understanding. The roles (ii) and (iii) are clearly related to multilateral activities because of the links to partners but (i) have a dual structure:... Read more
Piero Dominici
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract The anthropological transformation we are undergoing shows the urgency of rethinking teaching and training, underlining the substantial inadequacy of our schools and universities in dealing with hypercomplexity, with the global extension of all political, social and cultural processes, with their indeterminateness, interdependence and interconnection. The idea that... Read more
Robert Cavey
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract The main goal of the present paper is to make a suggestion about global leadership in the 21st century from a perspective somewhat removed from the most (and justly) dominant one. Great powers, international institutions, and grand strategies appropriately get the most attention. It is to them that we look to create the peace, prosperity and justice with which we... Read more
Marco Vitiello
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract In a rapidly changing world, school systems need to adapt themselves rapidly in order to be able to prepare their students for the upcoming challenges that are threatening the world today. If many steps have been taken by humanity towards progress, the multiple efforts needed to not stop this trend can be achieved only if human beings are taught differently from the... Read more
Fadwa El Guindi
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract A rapid change in technology is creating pressure on education to meet employment needs. Two overarching points are discussed in this article: first, rather than fearing the robotization of humans we should humanize technology to serve humanity and second, any educational reform must be contextualized: in particular social and cultural traditions, values and... Read more
Marcel Van de Voorde
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract The modern approach to University education and research cuts across traditional boundaries. In order to obtain maximum benefit from research effort globally, universities need to adapt their approaches to the management and organization of research and teaching, to foster transdisciplinary working and promote global mobility for the next generation of students. 1.... Read more
Janani Ramanathan
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Moving from scarcity of knowledge and lack of access to information to an overabundance of data comes with a downside. It is difficult to establish the veracity and impartiality of information today. With increasing freedom for everyone to make themselves heard, personal opinions, prejudices, even falsehood come to be alongside facts. In such a scenario, it... Read more
Erich Hoedl
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Unequal distribution of societal power is to a large extent responsible for poverty, hunger, the destruction of nature, and inhuman living conditions. From the perspective of its redistribution, we distinguish three basic means of power: The ownership of material and immaterial properties, the kind of organisation and the values according to which properties... Read more
Gerald Gutenschwager
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract When the World Academy of Art & Science (WAAS) was founded, it sought to address the gap between science and society, or rather the apparent unwillingness or inability of scientists to address their responsibilities as important members of society. This problem is related to the growing disparity between tool making and symbol making, those ancient skills... Read more
Janani Ramanathan
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Employers worldwide are seeking and failing to find in new recruits many skills that are critical for success. Skills that enable employees to work as part of a team, communicate effectively, take decisions, lead, adapt to change and solve problems creatively are not often found in fresh graduates. Education does not impart these skills as efficiently as it... Read more
Elif Çepni
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Solutions to the major problems of our time require a radical shift in our perceptions, thinking and values. Post-normal times (characterized by complexity, chaos and contradictions), post-normal science (characterized by uncertainties, systems view of thinking, alternative perspectives, unknown unknowns, values) and human-centered economy are conceptions... Read more
Federico Mayor
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Taking into account potentially irreversible processes, it is our common responsibility to bear in mind “the ethics of time”. We should act in a way that will prevent us from taking a path that allows no return. We have to specifically take into account next generations: our legacy cannot condemn them to have the worst standard of living and prevent them from... Read more
Garry Jacobs
 Get Full Text in PDF This is a time of unprecedented speed, interconnectedness, complexity and uncertainty which pose serious challenges to global peace, security, and sustainable social progress. Prevailing political, economic and social theory, institutions and policies are outdated and unable to cope with the need for change. But this is also a time of unprecedented opportunity for... Read more
Martin Ramirez, Juan Cayón-Peña
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Scientists have an important role not only in avoiding inappropriate and dangerous decisions, but also advising policymakers and other stakeholders about the best and wiser moves to make towards a human-centered society, thereby fomenting scientific knowledge and enhancing cross-cultural connections and joint research. They should also not forget... Read more
Carlos Blanco
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Any expression of rationality is based upon premises, many of which cannot be ultimately justified. The role of these presuppositions becomes particularly important in the domains of the social sciences and the humanities. A philosophical reflection on the foundations and methodologies of these disciplines can shed valuable light on how to overcome the... Read more
Stefan Brunnhuber
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Despite rising expenditure and general enrolment rates on a global level, educational output is stagnating, if not declining. There is increasing empirical evidence that we need a completely different approach to enhancing the learning curve; this holds true for early childhood, primary education, secondary education and higher education. Most existing... Read more
Murugesan Chandrasekaran
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract The contribution of modern science to the progress of civilization is immeasurable. Even its tendency toward exclusive concentration on the objective world has had salutary effects of great value. Modern science has wiped away much that was merely superstitious or speculative. Its rejection of unfounded opinions and prejudices has helped the thinking mind... Read more
Alberto Zucconi
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract We, the children of the Anthropocene Era, are entering the 4th industrial revolution and the impact is going to be pervasive and of greater magnitude compared to the previous industrial revolutions. The incoming changes, approaching at an accelerating speed, will be impacting everything and everybody and blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and... Read more
Janani Ramanathan
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Global civilization is the product of diverse cultures, each contributing a unique perspective arising from the development of different mental faculties and powers of mind. The momentous achievements of modern science are the result of the cumulative development of mind’s capacity for analytic thinking, mathematical rendering and experimental validation. The... Read more
Carlos Blanco
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract The exponential growth of knowledge demands an interdisciplinary reflection on how to integrate the different branches of the natural sciences and the humanities into a coherent picture of world, life, and mind. Insightful intellectual tools, like evolutionary Biology and Neuroscience, can facilitate this project. It is the task of Philosophy to identify those... Read more
Garry Jacobs
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract The rational mind is the highest evolved status of human consciousness. The evolution of mind and civilization has proceeded hand in hand for millennia. The development of new capacities of mind made possible the development of tools, language, agriculture, permanent settlements, towns, cities, religion, trade, transportation, communication, government, law,... Read more
Janani Ramanathan
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Higher education has continuously evolved in its purpose and methods. As the demands on education have become increasingly complex today, it becomes essential to determine the needs of the future, and evolve a system of education that equips youth to face the challenges that the 21st century will bring, and scale its yet unseen peaks. The following paper draws... Read more
Alberto Zucconi
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Education, together with family and culture, is one of the fundamental building blocks of the social construction of reality. It is more and more evident that we need a paradigm change in the field of education in order to enable people to deal effectively with the mounting challenges facing humanity. This retooling needs to start with our frames of reference.... Read more
Orio Giarini, Mircea Malitza
 Get Full Text in PDF Editors’ Note The Double Helix of Learning and Work by Orio Giarini and Mircea Malitza is a report to the Club of Rome first published by UNESCO in 2003. It advances fundamental paradigm-changing ideas in the field of education. Drawing inspiration from the double helix structure of DNA, the authors seek to strengthen the relationship between education and employment in... Read more
Janani Ramanathan
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract When the knowledge gained over centuries has to be presented to students through a 12-15 year study, it has to be abridged and organized elaborately. This process of encapsulating all knowledge into an educational course often results in fragmentation of knowledge and a mental divorce from life. Life knowledge that is reduced to objective principles may be... Read more
Garry Jacobs
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Education abridges the time required for individual and social progress by preserving and propagating the essence of human experience. It delivers to youth the accumulated knowledge of countless past generations in an organized and abridged form, so that future generations can start off with all the capacities acquired by their predecessors. However, today... Read more
Orio Giarini, Mircea Malitza
 Get Full Text in PDF Editors’ Note The Double Helix of Learning and Work by Orio Giarini and Mircea Malitza is a report to the Club of Rome first published by UNESCO in 2003. It advances fundamental paradigm-changing ideas in the field of education. Drawing inspiration from the double helix structure of DNA, the authors seek to strengthen the relationship between education and employment in... Read more
Orio Giarini, Mircea Malitza
 Get Full Text in PDF Editors' Note The Double Helix of Learning and Work by Orio Giarini and Mircea Malitza is a report to the Club of Rome first published by UNESCO in 2003. It advances fundamental paradigm-changing ideas in the field of education. Drawing inspiration from the double helix structure of DNA, the authors seek to strengthen the relationship between education and employment in... Read more
Garry Jacobs
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract A new paradigm in human development must be founded upon a new paradigm in education. A human-centered educational system is needed whose aim is the fullest development of the capacities of each individual. Today humanity is on the cusp of a major transition in education, our most powerful instrument for conscious social evolution. Quality education can now be... Read more
Orio Giarini, Mircea Malitza
 Get Full Text in PDF Editors’ Note The Double Helix of Learning and Work by Orio Giarini and Mircea Malitza is a report to the Club of Rome first published by UNESCO in 2003. It advances fundamental paradigm-changing ideas in the field of education. Drawing inspiration from the double helix structure of DNA, the authors seek to strengthen the relationship between education and employment in... Read more
Garry Jacobs
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract The multi-dimensional challenges confronting global society today will not lend themselves to resolution by piecemeal sectoral strategies and incremental measures. Their causes are deep, inextricably interconnected and result from deficiencies in values, concepts, institutions, policies and actions. Fundamental change is needed in both thought and action – a... Read more
Alberto Zucconi, Garry Jacobs
 Get Full Text in PDF "The coming revolution in education is a harbinger of the coming freedom of the individual." There are many kinds and degrees of freedom – political, social, psychological and spiritual. The end of colonialism following WWII liberated a third of humanity from the oppression of foreign rule. The end of the Cold War brought the freedom of democracy to hundreds of... Read more
Heitor Gurgulino de Souza, Janani Ramanathan, Garry Jacobs, Winston P. Nagan, Ivo Šlaus, Alberto Zucconi
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Education is the most important catalyst of social evolution. Today higher education is in the early stages of a revolutionary transition that will have immense impact on the future of global society. This article presents an overview of perspectives explored at the World Academy's Forum on Global Higher Education conducted at the University of California at... Read more
Orio Giarini, Mircea Malitza
 Get Full Text in PDF Editors' Note The Double Helix of Learning and Work by Orio Giarini and Mircea Malitza is a report to the Club of Rome first published by UNESCO in 2003. It advances fundamental paradigm-changing ideas in the field of education. Drawing inspiration from the double helix structure of DNA, the authors seek to strengthen the relationship between education and employment in... Read more
Ismail Serageldin
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract The emerging Knowledge Revolution goes beyond the changing technologies and the challenges and opportunities they create to include the structure of knowledge and how it is transmitted inter-generationally and across countries. There are seven major features of that profound transformation, which I call “The Seven Pillars of the New Knowledge Revolution”. These... Read more
Janani Ramanathan
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Internet and Communication Technologies are transforming education, taking it out of the traditional classroom and making it open, affordable and dynamic. Universities, publishers, corporates and individual lecturers are creating online courses. A course consists of video lectures, electronic study notes, online tests and assignments. Anyone who wishes to... Read more
Ashok Natarajan
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Consciousness is creative. That creativity expresses in myriad ways – as moments in time in which decades of progress can be achieved overnight, as organizational innovations of immense power for social accomplishment; as creative social values that further influence the evolution of organizations and society; as the creativity of individuality in the leader,... Read more
Ivo Šlaus, Garry Jacobs
Get Full Text in PDF At the 2012 Global Roundtable conducted in Split, Croatia in July, co-sponsored by the World Academy of Art and Science, the organizers proposed introduction of a new TESLA award for unrecognized genius, an acronym for The Earth Supreme Level Award. This is an important and commendable initiative by philanthropist Hares Youssef which directly ties into the Academy’s... Read more
Ashok Natarajan
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract History that comes to us as a chronology of events is really a collective existence that is evolving through several stages to develop Individuality in all members of the society. The human community, nation states, linguistic groups, local castes and classes, and families are the intermediate stages in development of the Individual. The social process moves through... Read more
Janani Ramanathan, Garry Jacobs
Jon-Hans Coetzer, Lucía Morales, Patrick Flynn, Lia Pop, Nadia Barkoczi, Sonia Munteanu, Cristina Campian, Daniel Rajmil
Juri Engelbrecht, Robert Kitt
Janani Ramanathan
Martin Ramirez, Juan Cayón-Peña
Murugesan Chandrasekaran
Janani Ramanathan
Alberto Zucconi
Orio Giarini, Mircea Malitza
Janani Ramanathan
Orio Giarini, Mircea Malitza
Orio Giarini, Mircea Malitza
Alberto Zucconi, Garry Jacobs
Heitor Gurgulino de Souza, Janani Ramanathan, Garry Jacobs, Winston P. Nagan, Ivo Šlaus, Alberto Zucconi
Orio Giarini, Mircea Malitza
Ashok Natarajan
Ivo Šlaus, Garry Jacobs
Ashok Natarajan