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Frank Dixon

Dixon, Frank

Dixon, Frank

Fellow, World Academy of Art & Science; Sustainability and System Change Consultant, USA; Author, Global System Change series of books

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Fellow, World Academy of Art & Science; Sustainability and System Change Consultant, USA; Author, Global System Change series of books

Frank Dixon oversaw the sustainability analysis and rating of the world's 2,000 largest companies for many years as the Managing Director of Research at Innovest Strategic Value Advisors, formerly the largest corporate sustainability research firm in the world. He developed the TCR® approach to provide a practical and profitable way for companies and investors to engage in system change. Following Innovest, he provided sustainability and system change consulting to companies in the US and Europe. Most recently, he wrote the Global System Change series of books. Using a whole system approach, the books describe the major economic, political and social system changes needed to achieve sustainability and real prosperity. He has an MBA from the Harvard Business School.


Global System Change: A Whole System, Nature-Based Framework for Sustainability, System Change and Responsible Investing   ( Education )
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Interest in system change is rising, driven largely by growing awareness that flawed economic and political systems are the root causes of climate change and other major challenges. This paper summarizes a whole-system framework (Global System Change - GSC) and practical implementation strategy (System Change Investing - SCI) that can guide and accelerate system change. It is based on the Global System Change books. Using whole-system thinking and extensive...
Global System Change: A Whole System Approach to Societal Transformation
Get Full Text in PDF Human society is rapidly transforming. Rising climate change, pollution, inequality, and many other environmental and social problems show that we are grossly violating the laws of nature. For 3.5 billion years, any species that violated these laws changed or disappeared. Throughout human history, economic and political systems that violated natural laws often collapsed quickly and traumatically (i.e. American and French revolutions, end of US slavery, and USSR communism)....
Public versus Private Sector Money Creation: Society Enhancing Monetary Reform   ( Economic Theory ), ( Money & Finance ), ( New Economics )
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Nearly all money in the US, UK and many other countries is created by the private sector through lending. Private sector money creation provides many benefits, but also imposes large costs on society. Transitioning to public sector money creation can provide equal or better inflation control, economic prosperity, credit availability and monetary value stability. It also can substantially reduce taxes, deficit spending and national debt, while significantly...
System Change Investing   ( Money & Finance ), ( New Economics )
Get Full Text in PDF The Sustainable/Responsible Investing (SRI) market is over $30 trillion and growing faster than traditional investments. Over the past 20 years, SRI and the sustainability movement in general have provided large benefits to business and society. But in spite of this good work, environmental and social conditions are declining rapidly in many areas. Clearly, new approaches are needed. “As has occurred throughout history, all flawed systems change, usually by collapsing....
Global System Change: A Whole System Approach to Addressing COVID-19 and Achieving the SDGs   ( Money & Finance ), ( New Economics ), ( Global Governance & Law )
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract COVID-19 is a tragedy and opportunity for humanity. Reductionistic thinking and resulting flawed systems put human society in conflict with nature. They are the root causes of every major challenge facing humanity. To survive and prosper, we must align our economic, political and social systems with the laws of nature. COVID-19 provides an opportunity to do so. As we emerge from isolation, new whole system strategies are needed to transform society. If we continue...
Sustainable Finance*   ( Money & Finance ), ( New Economics ), ( Global Governance & Law )
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract The following is one of many concluding sections from the whole system book ‘Global System Change: A Whole System Approach to Achieving Sustainability and Real Prosperity’. The foundation for the strong positions taken here is established in more detailed and heavily referenced sections earlier in the book. Global and national financial systems strongly contribute to major problems, including concentration of wealth, unemployment and environmental...
System Change Investing and the Sustainable Development Goals
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are one of the most important milestones of the sustainability movement. Broad embrace of the goals by companies and governments shows growing awareness of the need to effectively address major environmental, social and economic problems. In his 2019 letter to CEOs, Larry Fink, CEO of Blackrock, the world’s largest asset manager ($6 trillion in assets), said that companies should expand their purpose from narrowly...
System Change Investing and Political Reform   ( Law & Human Rights ), ( Global Governance & Law )
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract System change is the most important sustainability issue. Flawed economic and political systems compel all companies to degrade the environment and society. For nearly all of US history, these systems enabled vested interests to strongly influence government and unfairly concentrate public wealth, in large part by deceiving, dividing and disempowering citizens. The US is quickly dismantling environmental and social protections. This will accelerate already...
High-Level System Change: Protecting Business and Society   ( Economic Theory ), ( Transdisciplinary theory ), ( New Economics ), ( New Paradigm ), ( Social Science ), ( Knowledge, Science & Values )
 Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Over the past 15 years, sustainability has become mainstream in the corporate and financial sectors. But environmental and social conditions are declining rapidly in many regions. Nearly all corporate and financial sector sustainability strategies are focused on company-level activities, such as unilaterally mitigating negative environmental and social impacts. But flawed economic and political systems make it impossible for businesses to mitigate about 80...