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Sandra Waddock
Waddock, Sandra
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Waddock, SandraProfessor of Management, Galligan Chair of Strategy, and Carroll School Scholar |
Job Title
Professor of Management, Galligan Chair of Strategy, and Carroll School Scholar
of Corporate Responsibility, Boston College‘s Carroll School of Management, USA;
Councilor, SDG Transformations Forum
Sandra Waddock is Galligan Chair of Strategy, Carroll School Scholar of Corporate Responsibility, and Professor of Management at Boston College's Carroll School of Management. Winner of numerous awards, including a 2017 PRME Pioneer Award, she has published over 150 papers and 13 books, including Healing the World (Routledge/Greenleaf, 2017) and Intellectual Shamans (Cambridge, 2014). Current research interests include transformational system change, memes and narratives in transformations, intellectual shamanism, and management education, among others.
Catalyzing Transformation
( Social Science )
Catalyzing Transformation: A Process Framework for Transformative System Change
Sandra Waddock*
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This article offers a synthesized perspective on a future-oriented process for transformational change makers, here called transformation catalysts, to catalyze systemic change through processes of connecting, cohering, and amplifying the transformational change work of multiple initiatives in numerous social-ecological contexts. Oriented towards purposeful or...
Transformation Catalysts: Weaving Transformational Change for a Flourishing World for All
( Sustainable Development ), ( Global Governance & Law )
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CA: Catalytic AllianceFC: Field CatalystGAN: Global Action NetworkTC: Transformation CatalystSES: Socio-Economic/Ecological SystemsT-system: Transformation system
This article lays out the emerging roles of new entities here called transformation catalysts (TCs). Transformation catalysts act catalytically by aggregating, cohering and amplifying actions of transformation initiatives and change-makers working towards fundamental socio-ecological systems...
Stewarding Aliveness in a Troubled Earth System
( New Paradigm ), ( Global Governance & Law )
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The state of the world suggests we are at a crossroad—the next 15 to 20 years will have a decisive impact—more than in any period before—on the conditions of life on Earth. Rising awareness about the urgency of dealing with climate change is symptomatic of an increasing concern for the future of humanity and our life support system. Most approaches to solving the global challenges, however, stay within a framework of thinking that calls for technical and...