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Report on War in Ukraine

The World Academy of Art and Science condemns the Russian military invasion of Ukraine. Read more
Alexander Likhotal
Russian invasion of Ukraine goes much further than phantom pains of Russia’s imperial dreams. This unfolding confrontation ... Read more
Donato Kiniger-Passigli
The war in Ukraine and its level of destruction has, in less than a month, wiped out beliefs and convictions baby-boomers thought they could pass on to millennials as their legacy with generations of good memories, traditions and wealth Read more
Jonathan Granoff
Human security goals and multilateral cooperation do not diminish sovereignty but are the very tools needed for sovereign states to fulfill their duties to keep their citizens safe and secure. Read more
Garry Jacobs
To aggrandize their own power, the Putins and Trumps of the world create walls that divide us by fear, suspicion, anger and self-righteousness, but those walls can be torn down. Let us not now legitimize those divisive, self-serving tactics by reconstructing an impenetrable mental or cultural wall. Read more
Philippe Destatte
It was a newspaper cartoon that inspired this text, in particular the reflection it carried on the relations between Russia and NATO: what seems unthinkable today was thought yesterday and could be made possible tomorrow. Hence this question: Russia in NATO, thinking the unthinkable. Read more
Ketan Patel, Christian Hansmeyer
Russia’s aggression in Ukraine has shaken the post-war liberal order, originally designed to prevent war in Europe and between advanced industrialised countries. Read more
Federico Mayor
The transition to the future we long for requires moving from imposition to discussion, from power to word, from the use of weapons to mediation. Read more
Harlan Cleveland
This article is a reproduction of the keynote address by Harlan Cleveland at the William G. McGowan Theatre on October 21, 2006 in the National Archives and Record Administration available at... Read more
Carlos Alvarez Pereira
War is the ultimate expression of polarization. It instantly invokes in all of us the binary divide of life and death. Being supportive of the victims of aggression is a humane mandate. Read more
Patrick Liedtke
It is not the Russian war in Ukraine that causes the future to be different. It is a different future that begins with the Russian war as the first major event of a new era. Read more
Petra Kuenkel
Since we need both power in the sense of responsibility and power in the sense of impact for a vital and sustainable future in which everyone envisions a future... Read more
Robert Van Harten
When we view the world from above, can the Ukraine crisis be seen as the beginning of a grand opening and synthesis towards a world unified through collaboration? We are in the aftermath of the pandemic, ... Read more
John Scales Avery
The extreme dangers of nuclear war are discussed against the background of Russia’s brutal and illegal invasion of Ukraine, during which Vladimir Putin put Russia’s nuclear weapons on high alert. Read more
Fadwa El Guindi
The current Russia-Ukraine military conflict reveals how the laws established by the United Nations to guide “war behavior” need to be realistically ... Read more
Janani Ramanathan
As the Russia-Ukraine war continues spreading human misery in its wake, more and more countries are being impacted directly or indirectly by it, bringing the world perilously close to a 1960s like Cold War scenario. Read more
Renzo Cianfanelli
The article raises some fundamental questions concerning the Ukraine-Russia war: why is the UN not intervening to bring peace? What does the West want? These are all questions that we should be asking urgently,... Read more
Piero Dominici
Both democracy (nowadays known as “global democracy”) and war are examples of complexity. Simplification and closing-off (isolation) ... Read more
Rodolfo Fiorini
The goal of this paper is to focus on learning major divergences for understanding global human security and modern world order in the 21st century, with the strategic perspective of an integrated approach for peace and economy, considering current events. Read more
Peter Nijkamp, Karima Kourtit, Gabriela Pascariu
This paper argues that science has not been very successful in preventing wars between nations, but may play a significant role in re-building a country or region after devastations from a military conflict. Read more
Michael Marien
The invasion of Ukraine is widely seen as Putin’s war, because he has a retrograde obsession to make Russia great again by reclaiming parts of the former Soviet Union. But Russia’s autocrat made several huge miscalculations regarding his military efficacy, resistance by Ukraine, ... Read more
David Harries
The accelerating pace of change and even the near-term unpredictability of its consequences calls for more enlightened and timely analyses of the most globally disruptive events. The continuing war for Ukraine is indisputably such an event. Read more
Elena Andreevska
Following the Second World War, the international community was reinvigorated to design an international body with the capability to limit the onset of another world war. Enshrined in the UN ... Read more
Marcel Van de Voorde
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has shaken up the academic world. Universities in Ukraine have been bombed and academic staff and students have been killed and injured and many professors and students have fled the country. Read more
Vaira Vike-Freiberga
A solution to the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine must not be achieved by leaders from other parts of the world “cutting a deal” with the president of Russia without the Ukrainian people being a party to the discussions and without the will of the Ukrainian people being respected. Read more

Report on War in Ukraine
Global Perspectives on Causes and Consequences



A Time For Solidarity
- Statement by WAAS Board of Trustees

The Root Causes of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
- Alexander Likhotal

War in Ukraine and its “UN”intended Consequences
- Donato Kiniger-Passigli

Human Security: A Strong Foundation for Multilateral Cooperation
- Jonathan Granoff

Missed Opportunities: Ukraine is an UN-finished Story of Global Proportions
- Garry Jacobs

Russia in NATO: Thinking the Unthinkable?
- Philippe Destatte

Implications of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
- Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga

Lessons from the Russian Invasion of Ukraine in 2022: Moving the World Beyond War
- Ketan Patel & Christian Hansmeyer

Pressing International Responsibility: A New Concept of Human Security
- Federico Mayor

The Cold War
- Harlan Cleveland

War or Dance? Blind Spots and the Locus of our Fears
- Carlos Alvarez Pereira

The World Will Never be the Same
- Patrick M. Liedtke

An Assessment of the Efficacy of Economic Sanctions in Response to Russian Military Aggression in Ukraine
- Walton Stinson

Energy – Adjusting to a New Global Order
- Maria da Graça Carvalho

Can the Future be predicted? Deliberations on a war we cannot afford
- Petra Kuenkel

The Significance of the Ukraine Crisis
- Robert Van Harten

The War in Ukraine Must Stop Now
- John Scales Avery

Globalization Weaponized, Dominance Fragmented, World Stability Ruptured
- Fadwa El Guindi

A Renewed Non-Aligned Movement
- Janani Ramanathan

Ukraine: Sleepwalking into the Unknown
- Renzo Cianfanelli

War, Complexity, and One-dimensional Thinking: Thinking is Acting
- Piero Dominici

Major Divergences Underlying Current Human Security and The Modern World Order
- Rodolfo A. Fiorini

Ukraine: A Post-War Phoenix Perspective
- Peter Nijkamp, Karima Kourtit & Gabriela Pascariu

Putin’s Folly and Rethinking the SDGs
- Michael Marien

Evolving Meanings of the War for Ukraine: Winning, Losing, Fearing, Needing
- David Harries

The UN as a Guardian of World Peace and its Role in the Ukraine Crisis
- Elena Andreevska

Current Threats to Global Academic Collaboration
- Marcel Van de Voorde