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Rama Mani

Mani, Rama

Mani, Rama

Founder, Theatre of Transformation Academy; Convenor, Enacting Global Transformation Collaborative Initiative, University of Oxford’s Centre for International Studies; Fellow, World Academy of Art and Science

Job Title

Founder, Theatre of Transformation Academy; Convenor, Enacting Global Transformation Collaborative Initiative, University of Oxford’s Centre for International Studies; Fellow, World Academy of Art and Science

Co-Founder, Home for Humanity; Founder Theatre of Transformation Academy; Co-convenor, Oxford Enacting Global Transformation Initiative.


Terrorism, Security and Democracy: 20 Years after 9/11   ( Peace and Security ), ( Global Governance & Law )
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract This article situates itself in the context of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks which launched the ‘Global War on Terror’—coming shortly after the debacle of the Taliban’s triumphant return to power in Afghanistan. The article contends that both terrorism and the war on terrorism have upset the delicate balance between democracy and security, and placed democracy at risk. This article begins by examining the evolution of the nature and scope of terrorism...