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Mila Popovich
Mila Popovich
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Mila PopovichFellow & Chair, Nominations & Evaluations Committee, World Academy of Art & Science |
Job Title
Fellow & Chair, Nominations & Evaluations Committee, World Academy of Art & Science
Founder, EVOLving Leadership; Published poet; International dance artist; Associate expert at the Seventh Research Framework Programme at the European Commission; Chair, Membership Communications Committee
Systemic Engagement of the Arts and Culture: A New Framework for Integral Transformative Strategies
( International Organizations ), ( Peace and Security )
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In response to the new socio-economic conditions and the planetary momentum for change induced by our multifaceted crises, humanity needs to synthesize its knowledge and synergize its action into a coherent and coordinated global movement and new leadership. Toward a new paradigm of human development aligning global societies with planetary systems, sustainability needs to be practiced as an art of systems change, engaging all the creative capacities of the arts...