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Cora Lacatus
Lacatus, Cora
Lacatus, CoraPost-Doctoral Fellow, American University |
Job Title
Post-Doctoral Fellow, American University
Email: corina_lacatus@yahoo.com
Corina Lacatus (Cora) is originally from Romania, where she studied Comparative Area Studies (Arabic, Scandinavian, and French) at Bucharest University. In 2007, she was awarded a PhD in Germanic Languages from University of California, Los Angeles and went on to work as faculty at University of Illinois. She is currently a Hall of Nations Fellow at The School of International Service at American University in DC, International Development Program. Her book on migration and cultural production, “The (In)visibility Complex: Representing Otherness in Contemporary Sweden” was published n 2008 by Stockholm University, Sweden.
Mediation of Conflicts by Civil Society
( Peace and Security )
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The number and severity of conflicts (violent clashes where there are more than 1000 casualties) have declined markedly since the end of the Cold War. This is shown graphically below despite this being a time of high population growth:1
Figure1: Number of reported, codable deaths from state-based armed conflict, 1946-2005
Even including a rise in the number of terrorist incidents, these trends hold true. 2
The Decline in the Level of Conflicts
The causes of this decline...